Learning is always been the main trait for success as well as awareness. Through learning, we get better knowledge about persons, places, and things. Learning tells the human beings difference between right and wrong, good and bad, profit and loss, and vise versa. A human being never quits learning. He learns throughout his life. every day he is a change and advanced person because he learns something new. Learning has many types, you can learn about anything and everything that you want to. We learn step by step for things. This type of learning is also available in electronic form.

This learning is called Microlearning. Micro means small and learning means education. Microlearning is the form of electronic learning through which you can learn step by step. Like in small steps or doses. It is a sort of training material that one can comprehend in small steps and in a short time. Say for suppose you are trying to learn a new language on your phone. This microlearning will help you to learn it slowly and gradually day by day. It will give you a new word daily to improve your vocabulary. It provides short-timed individual sessions that require less effort and cover fine, simple, narrow, and easy topics.
importance of microlearning
this is the year 2021, actually, halfway through it. Everybody is super busy in his chores and there is the chaos of work, businesses, jobs, education, earnings, and so on. Life is running too fast, time is succeeding like a flashlight and people feel that they are beyond the time. Devices are like oxygen for human beings especially the mobile phone. An average person checks on his phone around 10 times an hour. People have forgotten to move their sights away from the screen. Everything is at their fingertips. That is where microlearning works. You do not need to

this is the year 2021, actually, halfway through it. Everybody is super busy in his chores and there is the chaos of work, businesses, jobs, education, earnings, and so on. Life is running too fast, time is succeeding like a flashlight and people feel that they are beyond the time. Devices are like oxygen for human beings especially the mobile phone. An average person checks on his phone around 10 times an hour. People have forgotten to move their sights away from the screen. Everything is at their fingertips. That is where microlearning works. You do not need to enroll yourself anywhere to learn something. While going to the office, having lunch, during travel, or in your leisure time, you can learn whatever you want through microlearning on your phone. It is like electronic learning that is easily approachable. According to psychological researches, the human brain cannot remember what it has learned as a whole. It only can hold about 21% of the information that he has learned during a certain period. Microlearning offers the information in small doses like in broken pieces that you can revisit or learn over and over again. The information or education that you acquire frequently, or visit through your sight repeatedly, tends to be more retainable as well as memorable than the other. Microlearning, likewise its name, is in bits and pieces learning approach.
Benefits of microlearning
- It is the most effective and credible way of learning.
- Researches have proved that things we learn in a short span remain in our long-term memories.
- It works in the form of quiz books and flashcards.
- It focuses on small, focused, simple, easy, and extracts information.
- It means that you can learn anything besides your everyday jobs without any disturbance.
- You can learn via microlearning on your tablets or mobiles.
- It is on the go type learning that never demands you to sit in any classroom and watch at the board.
Effects of microlearning on businesses
Microlearning is one of the most essential tools to boost up the success of any business. Long learning courses, hourly meetings, weekly training sessions can lower down the interest of employees in work. They can be fatigued and bored of never-ending courses. Microlearning provides companies with short, easy, and simple learning courses that leave a good impact on an employee and increases his interest. Quick and easy learning that you can easily remember is always stored in the long-term memory part of your brain. Microlearning offers the employees to learn through everyday examples, random things, and relatable stuff that is understood easily as well as effectively.
Research shows that more than 50% of the employees have shown their interest in microlearning rather than in other learning sessions. In the business world, microlearning has improved the working qualities of the employees through simple learnings. Microlearning has reinforced the capabilities of quick learning and has made the employees enthusiastic about work by teaching them quick and easy learning techniques.
Uses of microlearning in business
Microlearning provides the facilities to fulfill the leadership development requirements, improves the working performance of employees at optimal capacity which helps to nourish businesses, increases learning and working interest in employees.
Microlearning training sessions are very focused, precise and goals oriented.
These sessions don’t bore or lethargic the learner. The education or training is better retention. Easy and quick to learn and long-lasting to remember. It is convenient to convey new updates, software, and training to employees through microlearning. The courses are easy to finish and the learners can complete the pieces of training on one move.
how microlearning helps to grow businesses
Every business organization or association requires frequent skills updates for better growth of the business. Business organizations apply microlearning to enhance the learning process and eradicate the learning problems with quick, easy, and effective learning styles. Businesses grow and progress better with advance and focused learning styles of microlearning.
Phone-based sessions
Microlearning provides services for the learners in the form of the most used device on Earth right now, which is a mobile phone. Learners can learn as per their requirements, needs, and convenience. Microlearning suits best with mobile phones. Learners can learn on the go. While waiting for something or having spare time, any learner can have quick access to his lesson through his phone and can nurture his knowledge.
Student-centered learning
Microlearning proposes the services of a student or learner-centered approach. The employees can learn whatever they want and in whichever way they want. They can learn via audio, videos, minigames, quizzes, and puzzles. It is a diverse learning style that offers to teach quick, short, bite-sized information. People can learn it on any device at their convenience and facility.
Cost friendly
Effective to learn and easy on your pockets, that’s right. A full-fledged training session is a sort of difficult to manage and expensive to handle. whereas e-learning sessions are precise, comprehend and to the point, and cost-friendly. Microlearning does not put a load on your business budget. It is still great to have if the organization does not have a high training budget. Online sessions, PowerPoint sessions, video, and audio tutorials are still of good quality in low-budget schemes.
Motivate the employees
It ensures positive reinforcement in the employees. Employees feel happy and motivated when they facilitate themselves with such useful skills. They want to learn more and more and become more enthusiastic, energetic as well as focused on work. This produces a positive change in the business corporations and business development gets improved. Microlearning sessions trigger the learning drive of the employees. It activates the appetite for learning and produces a keen interest in learning in the workers’ minds. Learners watch out for more learning skills to enhance their credibility. Long time learning sessions that require to sit in the class and watch over the board and note down the Important stuff makes the employees yawn and bored at times. Microlearning does not demand anything as such. That is why it is a very effective way to train your employees in an interesting and fun way.
Convenient to update
Microlearning provides the learning sessions in the form of bread crumbs, you follow the crumbs and you’ll reach the bread. It reduces the fatigue of again and again session turns. Employees can learn the skills in one sit, there is no need to schedule the same session twice or thrice a week like non-microlearning sessions.
Varieties of microlearning
Microlearning does not work only for formal pieces of training, but it is also available to fulfill the requirements of informal and casual learning. It provides different topics and courses with various learning sources.
Focused and precise
Microlearning fills the gap of skills like no other. It focuses on one thing or one lesson at a time. When the employees focus on one thing completely they tend to be more successful. On the other hand, it is a healthy sign that you can perform multiple chores at one time, jack of all is a good thing. But when you are learning something, you need to put your full focused concentration on your lesson. Jack of all is good, but master of none is not good. By precise learning, it means that if you are specific about what you need to learn you just access that course and learn it in one sitting.
You cannot have the whole sandwich in just one big bite, you cannot chew it all, you cannot swallow it all. Instead, you take small chewable and digestible bites one by one. You eat it slowly and gradually. Learning through microlearning works the same way, gives you small knowledge-filled digestible bites from time to time. Microlearning comes in the form of video, audio, or games that makes the learning fun, interesting and rapid. Everything around work is kind of exhausting but when the worker starts to learn through microlearning, his mind becomes fresh and his concepts are clear.